Tipped, tilted and spun right round baby…like a record player…

So….one of the fascinating pieces of information that I’ve found out during this TTC time, the “troubles” to steal shamelessly and probably inappropriately from the Irish is that I have a uterus that is tipped or tilted backwards…yes, as if I didn’t know, my uterus is officially backwards…wahey!

So why does this happen?

Scarring from adhesions as a result of endometriosis or fibroids can also cause the uterus to shift to a tilted or retroflexed state.

What are some symptoms of a tipped uterus?

Some women do not experience any symptoms. However, the primary symptoms of a tipped uterus are:

  • Pain during sexual intercourse or dyspareunia. – yes
  • Pain during menstruation or dysmenorrhea. – yes

Other symptoms may include:

  • Back pain during intercourse
  • Minor incontinence
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Fertility problems – yes
  • Difficulty using tampons – yes

How is a tipped uterus diagnosed?

Your physician can perform a simple physical exam to determine if you have a tipped uterus. This can be done during a routine pelvic exam. If you suspect that you have a tipped uterus, discuss it with your physician.

What other terms are used to describe a tipped uterus?

There are many alternate ways of referring to a tipped uterus. However, all of the terms mean that the uterus is tipped backwards toward the back of the pelvis.

Common terms include:

  • Retroflexed uterus
  • Tilted uterus
  • Backward uterus
  • Retroverted uterus
  • Tilted womb

Medical professionals may use the following terms:

  • Uterine retroversion
  • Uterine retroflexion
  • Retroversion of the uterus
  • Symptomatic uterine retroversion
  • Symptomatic uterine retroflexion
  • Uterine retrodisplacement
  • Reflexion of the uterus

What is the treatment for a tipped uterus?

If you have a tipped uterus and are experiencing symptoms, your physician may recommend surgery to reposition the uterus. A uterine suspension can typically reduce the pain experienced during intercourse and/or menstruation. This surgical procedure is used to reposition a tipped uterus from its backward facing position to a forward facing position. The UPLIFT procedure is a newer and improved method of performing a uterine suspension. It has been proven to have fewer postoperative complications than other uterine suspension procedures. Uterine repositioning provides lasting pain relief in most cases of painful sex and in some cases of painful menstruation.

A tipped uterus can also be repositioned by:

  • “Knee-chest”: An exercise that may help reposition a tipped uterus temporarily. However, this exercise will not be effective if the uterus has become tipped because of endometriosis, fibroid tumors, or pelvic infections.
  • Pessary: A plastic or silicone device that is placed in the vagina to reposition a tipped uterus. It is generally considered a temporary solution for pelvic pain because long term use can lead to vaginal infections.

Can a tipped uterus prevent pregnancy?

Typically a tipped uterus is only thought to be the cause of infertility after all other possible reasons for fertility problems have been ruled out. Your doctor might recommend a uterine suspension or UPLIFT procedure if there is no other explanation for your fertility problems. However, this is not common.

How can a tipped uterus affect my pregnancy?

Usually between the 10th -12th week of pregnancy, your uterus will no longer be tipped or “backwards.” This should cause no difficulty for the pregnancy or for labor and birth. If the uterus does not move into a “middle” position, miscarriage can occur, but this is very rare.

4 thoughts on “Tipped, tilted and spun right round baby…like a record player…

  1. Pingback: Are you Showing Symptoms of Fibroids in Uterus?

  2. Pingback: Signs And Symptoms Of Fibroids

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