strange dates

Welcome if you are here from ICLW.

Yesterday marked 1 year exactly from my visit to the abortion clinic to have our dead “normal male fetus” removed from my body.  I told J the date and when I finished telling him he looked like a stricken lamb.  He doesn’t like to dwell on things, or think about things that are painful and to some extent neither do I but I feel like this past nearly two years experience has made me more morbid.

I feel way behind.  In terms of blogging and life in general.  I need to move beyond this quagmire I find myself in.

I sound depressed but I’m actually not doing too bad.  However, the dates can’t come fast enough for when we meet with our RE and the pregnancy loss clinic doctor.  We haven’t made any plans to do any sort of infertility treatment and it’s making me crazy.  The acupuncture does help though and I feel like it’s allowing me to be proactive in my health and treat this for a while and then when we will try I will have the past 2 months of acupuncture treatments in my corner as well.

In other news I need a vacation.  It’s cold and rainy

17 thoughts on “strange dates

  1. I am sorry to hear about your loss. It has just been a year past my miscarriage as well. It really sucks – I was hoping that the people who told me it will happen soon would have been right by now.
    Can I ask you how the acupuncture is benefiting you?

  2. Stopping by from ICLW….

    So sorry about your loss. It’s hard when those dates come around, especially when everyone else has forgotten. Hugs to you!

  3. Hello From ICLW.

    Im so sorry for your loss. Its such a painful process! Mine was only just over 3 months ago.. It sucks!! Thanks for your comment on my blog! Wishing you all the best and sending you lots of hugs!

  4. Stopping by from ICLW. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. The anniversaries and due dates are always difficult times of the year. My first EDD just passed last week and this time last year, I found out I was pregnant for the second time. I hope your visit with the RE provides you with some answers.

    Lauren – ICLW #23

  5. I am sorry to hear about your loss. Days like that are fixed in our memories and I have found as time passes it get easier to deal with these pains. I am hoping you have answers and decide the IF path you want to follow.

    Donor Diva -ICLW #21

  6. I’m so sorry, my dear. Sad anniversaries are almost as bad as the original for me.

    I feel behind too, in healing, coping, recovery. And yes, not exactly depressed, but in the next town over.

    I’m always thinking of you and hoping for you!

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