favorite way to scare yourself

that was something someone searched for to get to my blog….scary indeed.

Here’s one answer.

The other would be to:

  • Ensure it’s evening time (so it’s sufficiently dark inside and no natural light “assists”)
  • Be at home with your spouse/significant other or lover (said with an accent….”lovahhhhhhhhh!”)
  • silently stop what you are doing, get up, quickly turn off all the lights
  • your lovahhhhhh will wonder, “what the eff is going on”
  • hide
  • J has played this game before so he knows not to turn on the lights (that’s cheating)
  • try to scare the shit out of the other person by jumping out from behind a door or crawl along the floor and grab their ankle
  • laugh hysterically
  • repeat as necessary


Happy ICLW!!  Welcome to my blog.  I am currently waiting, waiting and more waiting!  In the mean time, I am trying to get a bit more healthy, going for acupuncture and trying to lose a little bit of weight.

I’d love to hear from you and am looking for some recipes for dinner.  If you’d like, please leave your favorite, easy and go to dinner recipe in the comments.  I’ll try them all out, post pictures and let you guys know how it went.

I’m finding it pretty difficult to restrict dairy.  Chocolate, milk, cheese….great weaknesses of mine.

My fish oil supplement is not going down so well.  I need to get back to taking this.

I made an awesome smoothie today:

  • Orange juice
  • frozen blueberries
  • 2 apples, peeled
  • mango
  • frozen cranberries

It was pretty good and helped me get down some good vitamins.

We went out to a soccer game today.  It was pretty exciting even though they lost.  Was nice to get out and do something different and have fun together.

Does anyone have any hotel recommendations in Anaheim/Orange County area?

Don’t forget to submit your Creme post!!

Steve Jobs has died

Sad day indeed, the world will miss his genius.

Our first family computer was an Apple.

I feel sad that the latest generation won’t know what a true visionary he was.  He defined an “inventor” with no formal training.  He just made things happen.

Steve Jobs, from his 2005 commencement speech at Stanford University:

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything—all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure—these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.”

Read more: http://techland.time.com/2011/10/05/ap-reports-apple-says-steve-jobs-has-died/#ixzz1ZysordpO



the destruction and devastation of dreams

I usually live so much in the present that when the past catches up with me it feels like memories that someone else has.  I’ve had a chance to be fairly introspective these past few weeks and I usually look back a bit around my birthday.

My dreams have changed.

Age 16

Get driver’s license

Age 16.5

Get boyfriend, get married, have children (3 to be exact) all before turning 26.

I remember one of my teachers in 1989 when I was aged 13 asking the class how old we’d  be in year 2000.  I did the calculation and figured out that I would be 24; FAR too old to have any fun on New Year’s Eve because I’d be a) old; b) married and c) have children.  HA HA HA

My new dream is maybe 1 child before 40

Dream at age 20-25

Find true love.  Get married.  Have a great job. Travel

Dream at age 27

Plan elopement, move back to Canada, get visa for DH, buy a property.  Figure out when we could have children

Dream at age 30. Figure out when we could have children

Dream at age 31 Figure out when we could have a child

Dream at age 35 Figure out when we could have a child.  Or give up said dream and focus 100% of my energy on my career and find happiness with the new plan.

I really want to have a family.  A close knit circle where we can make our own traditions and DH and I can be a wonderful family together with our children.  I dream about our children coming home from school and hearing about their day.  I think about where they might go for college or what their first haircut would be like.  These wonderful daydreams that take over my thoughts and I sit in bliss thinking about helping them with school work, wondering if they’d like piano lessons or play team sports or what kind of dog we should get.  Then I wake up and wonder why the RPL clinic hasn’t called me back to book my endometrial biopsy and think to myself “does my acupuncture doctor like me or not and she’s totally judging me for having drinks on my birthday” …..”how’s your digestion” she asks me whilst not making eye contact.

Where does depression hurt?  Everywhere.

Yes, my dreams have changed.